It keeps snowing here! Lots of small pulses and lots of grey skies. An inch or two yesterday. An inch last night. 2 to 3 inches forecast for today and snowing and socked in at the moment. I have been out and about trying to get better at panos. The pano below was taken and put together yesterday. It is immediately upstream of the HWY 20 bridge. It is comprised of 12 images each of which was taken at 24mm. I used 24 mm to see what kind of distortion (bending) I would get. I use Photoshop CS5's photomerge tool to put the pano together. The file size is 141 mb and 27.6 megapixels. The best advice I have been given so far is to shoot vertically (portrait rather than landscape) so as not to make the pano too long and narrow.
Also, to check out the Nature Conservancy's blog for Silver Creek go to:
One of my images was used there and mentions the fact I got stuck in a snow drift... It won't be long before the hill above the Nature Conservancy closes to car traffic. It's a little dicey at the moment.
"It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive."--Robert Stone, Outerbridge Reach