Fly Fishing Silver Creek

Hard to believe we are within a month of the fly fishing opener on Silver Creek. As it is, the water is super low. We are on our second consecutive drought year and hopefully, fingers crossed, we have a cool and wet spring. This is what Silver Creek looks like now…

an image of silver creek near picabo, idaho in the spring

Silver Creek. Near Picabo, Idaho

Fly Fishing Baja

Just returned from a trip down to Baja, Mexico. More to come on this one and it’ll be focused on Jef Feczko who is a guide in Baja and is the closest thing to a Roosterfish ninja as I’ve ever seen. Here’s Jef’s Instagram handle: @tothegills

Aerial image of bait and a roosterfish. Baja, Mexico

Baitball and lone roosterfish. Baja, Mexico

a baja, mexico roosterfish

Jef Feczko and a Baja roosterfish

The FlyFish Journal--Issue 13.3

New work in The FlyFish Journal issue 13.3 that just came out. Both images are from a trip to Magdalena Bay last December that was super high-octane-intensity and crazy fun. Pumped to be heading back (Los Locos Mag Bay) this December with Costa.

ashley little with a fly caught striped marlin in magdalena bay, baja, mexico

Ashley Little with the fish of a lifetime—striped marlin. Magdalena Bay, Baja. Mexico

underwater image of a golden trevally in baja mexico

A golden trevally caught by Jako Lucas in Magdalena Bay’s incredible mangrove system. Baja, Mexico.

Argentine Landscape

Argentina. Early March, 2022. This shot was taken near the Collon Cura river on a day that had 80 km/h winds and a river that had turned to mud from a recent rainstorm.

argentine patagonia landscape image

Lone Poplar, Dirt Road, and Dust. Collon Cura, Argentina. March 2022

Faraway Cayes and Fly Fish Guanaja Hosted Trips

I will be hosting two separate trips to Honduras this upcoming spring. The first is to Faraway Cay in the Mosquito Coast region of southern Honduras. This is an adventurous trip in a very remote part of the Caribbean. I am looking for up to 5 total people to join me. At least one slot has been taken. It’s an insane permit fishery with many many bonefish as well. This is a once and a lifetime type trip coupled with the fishery having not been fly fished for over two years.

Faraway Cay: April 29 — May 7, 2022

Faraway Details:

The second trip is to Fly Fish Guanaja. This will take place the week of May 14-21, 2022 This is a fantastic trip to one of Honduras’ 3 bay islands. Permit and bonefish are the staples w bonefish around in that double digit range.

$3,750 per angler with shared skiff and double occupancy for the week. 6 full days of fishing.

Below are a few images taken from Fly Fish Guanaja:

View from directly above the lodge of Mangrove Bight on Guanaja.

Aerial View of the lodge. 5 private cabins with two beds and tons of space.

Guanaja Bones

Sawtooths. Winter. Idaho

Below is an image I took of the Sawtooths yesterday (12/24/2021). It is now available as a print.

Sawtooth mountains. Winter. Idaho.

Sawtooth Mountains. Winter.

Limited Edition Fly Fishing Prints

Below are two limited edition images I am offering in small runs of 25 plus 1 AP. “Down The Hatch” is the current cover of The FlyFish Journal.

3/25 Down The Hatch

The image below, PMD and Brown. Silver Creek, Idaho I am just releasing in a limited edition run of 25 plus 1 AP. Pricing will be raised incrementally for each edition.

Here’s a link to my pricing: Fly Fishing and Travel Prints

The next edition of Down The Hatch will sell for $800 above the current regular pricing of any of the listed sizes and or on paper (giclee) or metal.

The first edition of PMD and Brown will sell for $600 above the current regular pricing of any of the listed sizes and or on paper (giclee) or metal.


1/25 PMD and Brown. Silver Creek, Idaho

For anyone looking for non-limited edition print(s), here are two new images being offered as a prints:

Near Miss. Silver Creek, Idaho

After The Take. Silver Creek, Idaho

The Perspective Awards

I submitted work to The Perspective Awards travel competition a month or so ago. It was judged by Jody MacDonald whose work I have admired for years. I’m honored to have won this competition with an image I took while free diving with sharks last May in Jardines de La Reina, Cuba.

Here is what Jody had to say—“Photographing underwater when a lot is going on around you is tricky, especially when you have a shark swimming right at you. I really liked this photo because the photographer is in a challenging environment with a lot of excitement and energy and yet he still managed to get a photograph that had good timing, spacing, and composition. The fact that it is in black and white makes the sharks stand out and gives emotion to the image.”

Silky and Caribbean Reef Sharks. Jardines de La Reina, Cuba

Fly Fishing Limited Edition Print

Down The Hatch is a new offering. It can be printed as a giclee print on fine art paper or on metal. It is in a super limited run of 25 plus 1 artist proof. The pricing for the 3rd in the run is $900 more than my non-limited edition pricing seen by clicking the button below.

Down The Hatch 3/25

Cover Image for issue 13.1 of The FlyFish Journal

Fly Fishing Photography

Pumped to have the cover image for the new issue of The FlyFish Journal. This image was shot on Silver Creek this past May—before the fishing season opened—when there was a pretty consistent PMD emergence for a few weeks. Shot with the Nikon 200-400 ƒ4 lens.


Fly Fishing Guide Portraits

Keko, pictured below, was my guide on my first trip to Cuba about 9 or so years ago. He was also my guide on my recent trip back to Cuba in May. I was part of the second group he had guided this May after 14 plus months of zero work due to Covid.

To say life for him and his colleagues during Covid was a challenge is an understatement. With essentially no income he shot birds using small allotments of time he was allowed outside of the house. Family and neighbors shared and pooled what little they had to eat…

“Things have been very very difficult,” Keko told me one night on my trip. He wasn’t asking for sympathy. I had asked what it was like going jobless for over a year. He was guarded and I knew that. Too much disclosure can lead to jail time.

I hope that guiding for him offers some relief both financially and psychologically. Unfortunately, Cuba is still on a tight lockdown and he’s undoubtedly not able to guide much until Cuba gets vaccines. The Cuban people want them and need them but are not yet readily available.



Keko’s Hand

Keko’s Hand


Landscape Photography

Here’s a new black and white image taken recently of the Sawtooths during a much needed rain squall. It’s available as a fine art print. Email: for inquiries.

Sawtooths and Squall. Idaho 2021

Sawtooths and Squall. Idaho 2021