After the release. Big Lost River rainbow.
Nikon D200 & Nikon 14-24 f2.8 lens
After the release. Big Lost River rainbow.
Nikon D200 & Nikon 14-24 f2.8 lens
Lost River Rainbow
Lots of fish up on the surface mid-day right now on the Lost River. Very few baetis but lots of midges. Highs are expected to be in the low 50's the next few days. Should be stellar.
Nikon D3S & Nikon 35 f2 Lens
Lots to post here... Here are 3 images from a recent day on the Big Lost River. The water flow is about 445 cfs at the moment and could any day go beyond fishable. It's still clear though and enough baetis to make the purist smile. The moody skies of May are here too. Probably my favorite month of the year to shoot. Clouds and contrast and sometimes thunderstorms and wind and snow up high and budding trees and the prevalent cottonwood stench by the water. We are FINALLY starting to see some green on our trees and the recent warmer temps--supposed to get a bit moody again through the week--have brought our freestone water much higher. The Big Wood is blown and flowing at the moment just under 2,000 cfs. Should be a substantial runoff year.
Big Lost River Rainbow
I was just asked by a talented Swiss fly casting instructor, Christopher Rownes, for my permission to use a few of my images on his site. It's a great site with lots of underpublished black & white images. Black & white is so many things yet infrequently used commercially in the fly fishing world. It's without a doubt my favorite medium. Check out his site and a few of my images along with plenty of other great images HERE.
On another note, and an inspirational one too, I just came across an incredible slideshow of underwater wave photography. It's really a must see as it's evocative and captures moments most never see. It's called The Underwater Project and it's by Mark Tipple. Here's the Link: The Underwater Project
I fished the with these two brothers on the Lost the other day and their stoke to be on the river was very evident which made for a memorable day. Total enthusiasm and even toward each other. The above image sums up the day.
"The Stoke"
Big Lost River In April from nick price on Vimeo.
Video taken with the Go Pro on the Big Lost River. I have not had much time to mess around with video but here's an attempt. I am using the Eye Of Mine housing for much better underwater sharpness.
"Fencepost" is a freelensed image taken with the Nikon 105 2.8 lens.
Still a COLD and wet Spring here but if you are intent on good dry fly fishing, now might be the best time of the year on the Big Lost River. The water level is about 288 cfs and from roughly 11:30 AM to 4 PM the midge and baetis madness erupts. Cloudy days have been far better. It really is a treat to have a great Spring tailwater fishery in our backyard open. With steelhead season in full swing, many are focused on the Salmon River and have forgotten about the trout thing. Should be great stuff on the Lower Lost until the water levels go way up sometime in mid to late May.