Nick Price Photography

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Silver Creek

Ok, so the Lost bumped up to over 1,000 cfs and the Wood also saw a bump to about 1,500 cfs.  Warm weather and high elevation snow equates to more runoff.  The only bump that Silver Creek seems to be getting is in the number of people.  Unfortunately there are just not that many choices at the moment and as a result Silver Creek gets a little extra traffic. 

The weather on the creek today was ideal with very little rain and overcast conditions.  Pmd's, baetis and quite a few green drakes.  We used all three of those with success.  The weather outlook is for sun and warm conditions--like 80 degrees in Picabo-- for at least the next three days.  Here are a few shots from today:

For whatever reason I kinda like small fish pics.


Wild Iris are still in bloom and usually by the time they are just dessicated stalks the green drakes are over and small numbers of tricos on their way.

